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May 2017 Update

Well, I almost forgot about this blog! Just as I was returning to Second Life last year, First Life had to go and get a little crazy. I ended up with a full-time job, involved with sudden family developments and finding myself with little to no time for the computer in general. Shocker right? Although sometimes on weekends I do find myself playing around in zbrush for an hour or two if I'm in the mood to have a little bit of sculpting fun. I haven't forgotten about my plans to update my store while developing my mesh skills enough to switch to full-mesh works at some point. Over the past few months I've been reworking a handful of my sculpts, picking statues at random to play around with for a couple of hours each weekend. I've been fine-tuning my texturing, as well as normal detailing.

As I was working with the Gargoyle remake, I finally had the thought to get rid of prim eyes and do them solely with normal maps. I also tried this with the Kitsune but it needs a lot more fine-tuning. I won't get rid of prim eyes with everything, but I'll be experimenting with what I personally think looks better. Live marketplace updates are coming and I have big plans for the dragons.

 Aside from swapping out prim eyes, I'm also more focused on detail sculpting rather then just using zbrushes to smear a texture around.
I'm also replacing the 'Corroded Bronze' texture theme with a reworked version 'Ancient Bronze' as seen on Dragon Xv3 :


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